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Frequently Asked Questions About Home Fencing

Have any questions pertaining to your fence or to the work we offer at KJ Wren Contracting? Then come check out our frequently asked questions section. Check back regularly since we’re always striving to add more answers as the questions come in.

How Many Years Does a Fence Last?

The lifespan of your fence depends upon the kind of material it was constructed from. For instance, a wood fence can last around 15 years, give or take depending on the kind of wood it was made from. On the other hand, a vinyl fence has an average life expectancy of 30 years.

Do I Need a Permit to Erect a Fence?

In urban areas, many fences do require permits. However, smaller fences or fences erected in suburban areas typically do not require a permit. Keep in mind, though, that they do often require a zoning compliance permit.

What Types of Fencing Material Are There?

A fence can be constructed of many of the most common materials used for building. Some typical fencing materials include wood, vinyl, and aluminum.

If you're looking for a professional fence company, then please call 248-974-1483 or complete our online request form.